Halifax Academy Student Wins Halifax Resolves SAR Poster Contest

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A total of 81 posters from three area schools were submitted to the Halifax Resolves SAR Chapter Americanism Poster Contest. This year’s topic was a Revolutionary War Event. The winning poster was submitted by Avery Boone, a 5th grade student in Mrs. Lindy Rogerson’s class at Halifax Academy.  Avery’s entry documented the Edenton Tea Party. He received a chapter level winner’s certificate and a check for $100.00.  The winning poster will now advance to the state level contest where the judging will be held May 19th following the Patriot’s Day Ceremony at Alamance Battleground. Mrs. Rogerson received a Certificate of Appreciation and a check for $50.00. An Honorable Mention certificate was awarded to Justin Russell who is also in Mrs. Rogerson’s class.

Honorable Mention certificates were presented to Manning 4th grade student Morgan Beam and 5th grade student Jackson Midgette.  At Manning, Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Mrs. Lori Pleasant, Mrs. Lori Jenkins, Mrs. Amanda Powell, Mrs. Christina Skinner, Mrs. Jamie Elliott, Mrs. Karen Wells, Mrs. Elisa Smith, Mrs. Candi Horton, Mrs. Stephanie Casper and Mrs. Kristen Williams for their support of the contest.

At Belmont ES, Honorable Mention certificates were presented to Camden Massey and Kassidie Pleasant. Certificates of Appreciation were presented Mrs. Adrienne Powell, Mrs. Marie Smith and Mrs. Alyssa Simpkins.

L-R – Ken Wilson, Ms. Lindy Rogerson, poster winner Avery Boone with his mother Mrs. Sarah Bridgers